Retail & Hospitality - Essential Welsh for dealing with customers

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Greetings 01 (7' 11")

I can use the language in this step

Vocabulary: Shw mae, Bore / P'nawn da, Noswaith dda, Diolch, Sori mawr

Speak Welsh Now 001 (6' 41")

I can use the language in this step


0’ 00” Dw i - I am 

0’ 41” Moyn - to want 

2’ 49” Siarad Cymraeg - to speak Welsh 

Numbers 01: 1 - 55 (6' 52")

I can use the language in this step

Vocabulary: un, dau, tri, pedwar, pump, deg, undeg-pump etc

Simple Praise (7' 28")

I can use the language in this step

Vocabulary: da iawn, seren, arbennig, o'dd hynny'n wych

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